Willamina High School & Middle School Supply List 2023-2024
Supply List for Grades 9,10,11,12
2 Reams of Copy Paper
Biology lab book or Spiral notebook for Science
Notebooks or Spiral notebooks
College ruled spiral notebook for English/Math
6 Pens (Black or Blue Ink)
4 boxes of Pencils
Eraser Caps or 2 Pink Erasers
1 Large Box of Kleenex
3 Ring Binder (All Freshmen)
1 set of Colored Pencils
Glue Sticks
1 package of 3x5 Note Cards
Green, Yellow, Orange Highlighters
1 Calculator
Sticky Notes
Supply List for Grades 6, 7, 8
1 (2 or 3 Inch) Binder
6 Dividers for Binder
4 Folders with Pockets
4 Spiral Notebooks
2 Reams of Copy Paper
1 Large Box of Kleenex
6 Pens (Blue or Black Ink)
4 Boxes of Pencils
1 set of Colored Pencils
Glue Sticks
Crayola Markers & Thin Crayola Markers
*Tennis Shoes & Personal Hygiene Products
for P.E.
Backpack to hold supplies and books
Sticky Notes
Supply List for Lifeskills
1 Ream of Copy Paper
1 Box of Crayons
1 Bottle of Hand Sanitizer
1 Container Clorox Wipes
2 Boxes of Pencils
Markers: thin & thick
1 Bottle Kitchen Soap
1 Large3 Box of Kleenex
1 set of Color Pencils
1 Package of Notebook Paper
1 Box Dryer Sheets
Bottle of Laundry Detergent
**A set of Earbuds or Headphones**
Flyer Attachment: High School Middle School Supply List
This is only a beginning list. Individual teachers may ask you to bring more supplies at a later date in the year.